Battle of Belle Grove or Cedar Creek
"Owing to its convenience to the valley highway and its adaptability for a headquarters, Belle Grove House was seldom without a military tenant nor its grounds without an army. Dead to sentiment, ruthless war had already made a waste of these ornate grounds in which its warrior lord had once taken such pride." (James E. Taylor, An Artist with Sheridan Up the Shenandoah in 1864) Belle Grove was most noteably used as a headquarters by Union General Philip Sheridan during the Civil War Valley Campaign of 1864 and was at the very center of the pivotal Battle of Cedar Creek. After a surprise attack by Confederate General Jubal Early in the early hours of October 19, 1864, General Sheridan quickly regained the territory, securing the Valley for the Union and boosting President Abraham Lincoln's chances for re-election.
Civil War Commemoration & Living History Weekend
Belle Grove Plantation typically commemorates the anniversary of the Battle of Cedar Creek on the third weekend in October each year. Activities can include Civil War music, civilian and military living history, house tours, National Park Service programs, and an exhibits. Cedar Creek Battlefield Foundation conducts reenactments.
October 19, 2014 was the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Cedar Creek and Belle Grove worked with the Cedar Creek Battlefield Foundation and the Cedar Creek and Belle Grove National Historical Park to commemorate this significant anniversary. You may view a photo album of the events here. There are also two publications "Belle Grove Plantation in the Civil War" and "The Hite Family in the Civil War" that are on sale in the Museum Shop and here.
More Shenandoah Valley in the Civil War Links:
Shenandoah Valley Battlefields National Historic District
Cedar Creek Battlefield Self-Guided Tour
Hupp's Hill Civil War Park
Shenandoah University's McCormick Civil War Institute
Kernstown Battlefield Association
Civil War Sites in the Valley
Virginia Museum of the Civil War/New Market Battlefield State Historic Park
Virginia Civil War Sites Index

Battle of Belle Grove/Cedar Creek - October 19, 1864

Reenactors recreate a Civil War era photo

Lieut. Gen. Jubal A. Early, Confederate Commander

Maj. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, Union Commander