Thank you for considering a gift to Belle Grove Plantation. Your gift will be tax deductible and you will receive an acknowledgement to use for tax purposes. Belle Grove relies on donations from individuals, corporations, and foundations to fund about a third of its annual budget. To read Belle Grove's year-end newsletter, please click here.
You may make a donation online or by mailing it to: Belle Grove Inc., P.O. Box 537, Middletown, VA 22645.
These gifts join income that Belle Grove earns from museum admissions, special events, facility rentals, memberships, and Museum Shop sales. Your gift is appreciated now more than ever. Belle Grove receives no regular income from federal, state, or municipal sources. The staff and board of our self-supporting organization continually work to maximize income and keep expenses steady. Thanks to your generosity, Belle Grove has been a beloved Shenandoah Valley treasure since its founding as a museum in 1967 and remains vital and engaging today. You help make this possible.
To donate online, click the link below and enter the amount you wish to donate. Then click to pay using PayPal or any major credit card. Although the page is operated by PayPal, it is not necessary to have a PayPal account to make an online donation. Please opt to share your mailing address with Belle Grove so that we may thank you.
If you have any questions or would like to make the gift of stock, please contact us at 540-869-2028 or by email.
If you want to donate from pension or IRA plans: Required minimum distributions form IRA and defined benefit pension plans take effect for those 72 and older. However, making a “Qualified Charitable Distribution” (QCD) will still allow itemizers and non-itemizers to direct up to $100,000 from their IRA to charities in a tax efficient manner. Starting if you are 70 1/2 years old, you may donate from your IRA directly to Belle Grove without ever paying taxes on the donated amount. This is true even if you do not itemize deductions for tax purposes. The donation must be made directly to Belle Grove by your IRA trustee. The amount donated will not be reported as income for tax purposes. You will need to provide Belle Grove’s EIN: 54-1047175. For those who qualify, this will allow a larger donation and savings on income tax. Consult your financial advisor for details.